10-OH-HHC: The wave of new cannabinoids is here!



What is 10-OH-HHC and how is it made?

10-OH-HHC or 10-hydroxy-hexahydrocannabinol is a derivative of HHC (hexahydrocannabinol). It is produced by oxidation of HHC by the enzyme cytochrome P450, which is found in the liver. This chemical reaction adds a hydroxyl group (-OH) to the tenth carbon of the hexahydrocannabinol nucleus.

The history of 10-OH-HHC dates back to the 1980s, when the compound was first identified by a team of scientists led by Raphael Mechoulam. However, the first pure 10-OH-HHC compound was not obtained until 2015 at the University of Mississippi under the direction of Professor A. Ahmed.

What are the effects of 10-OH-HHC?

What do we know about how 10-OH-HHC works? There isn't much, for the reason that there are no scientific studies that have managed to thoroughly investigate this cannabinoid yet. Of course, it is almost certain that, like other cannabinoids, 10-OH-HHC will interact with CB1 and CB2 receptors in the endocannabinoid system.

It is also no secret that 10-OH-HHC is psychoactive. Users may experience:

  • Euphoria
  • relaxation
  • changes in perception
  • increased appetite

It seems that the intensity of the effects might be less than with HHC or THC. However, this claim falls into the realm of guesswork, speculation and subjective feelings of users, not into the realm of scientifically verified facts.

10-OH-HHC is likely to have a low bioavailability and a short half-life, which means that its concentration in the blood decreases rapidly, especially when taken orally, when a significant proportion of the compound may be converted to the inactive 10-carboxy-HHC form.


Young woman on psychedelic trip after ingesting psychoactive cannabinoid substances

Side effects of 10-OH-HHC

All psychoactive cannabinoids, whether the well-known THC, HHC or the lesser known THCB or THCP, carry a risk of side effects. This is likely to be the case with 10-OH-HHC.

Side effects of these cannabinoids include:

  • red or dry eyes
  • dry mouth
  • dizziness
  • increased heart rate
  • impaired cognitive function
  • anxiety


Photo of a woman with reddened (as a side effect of 10-OH-HHC consumption) and healthy eyes

That being said, we do not yet have scientific studies on how 10-OH-HHC affects the body. The cannabinoid 10-OH-HHC is not suitable for "beginners".

Tip: If you are inexperienced with cannabis compounds but want to try something that might help you relax after a hard week at work or improve your mood, choose cannabinoids that are not psychoactive but still have a beneficial effect on the endocannabinoid system, such as CBD (cannabidiol) or CBC (cannabichromene).

Market availability and legality

Products with the cannabinoid 10-OH-HHC are already appearing in e-shops and brick-and-mortar stores around the world, in particular:

  • vapes
  • gummies
  • hashish
  • pre-rolls
  • flowers

So is 10-OH-HHC legal? If we base it on THC levels alone, then one could say yes, as most commercially available products contain less than 0.2% THC. However, it is more accurate to say that it is still in a legal grey area. Why is that?

The cannabinoid market is evolving very rapidly, and legislation is not keeping pace with the new compounds that are emerging. Although some countries have specific laws on cannabinoids, the classification of new substances is often unclear - regulations can be vague or not cover all cannabinoid derivatives.

It is possible that where 10-OH-HHC is currently "legal" or "tolerated", it will be a banned substance in a few months.


Canntropy 10-OH-HHC Vape Pen Dutch Hawaiian, 10-OH-HHC 97% quality


10-OH-HHC or 10-hydroxy-hexahydrocannabinol is a derivative of HHC. Although it is an interesting new addition to the cannabis market, there are as yet no scientific studies evaluating the benefits and risks of this substance, most of the information coming from experience with analogue cannabinoids.

It is important to approach 10-OH-HHC and other new compounds with caution, and only purchase products from trusted vendors who have their products tested by an independent laboratory.

Never get behind the wheel after taking 10-OH-HHC and other cannabinoids with psychoactive effects.


Author: Horsehog&Cow



Photo: Shutterstock

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